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쌍태임신에 관한 임상적고찰

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Kim, Jong InRhee, Jeong HoYoon, Sung Do
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Twin pregnancy
Clinical evaluation with multiple aspects were made on 91 cases of twin pregnancy in Keimyung University Dongsan hospital from Jan. 1. 1991 to Dec. 31. 1993.
The result were as follows.
I. The incidence rate of twin pregnancy was 0.67 %
2. The predominant age group was 26~30 which overs 65.9 % of all and the least was that of more than 36 years showed 4.4 %.
3. According to parity, nullipara was the most frequent and the least was group of para 3 which were 64.8 % and 1.1 % respectively.
4. The predominant gestational weeks of twin birth was 38~39 weeks which was 37.4 % and the gestational weeks less than 38 weeks was 62.6 % which showed high rate.
5. The mode of delivery in twin pregnancy, the Cesarean section was 51.6 %, spontaneous vaginal delivery was 20%, vaginal delivery with vacuum was 21 % and breech delivery was 7 %.
6. The predominant postpartum hemoglobin distribution was from 10 to 12g/dl that was 43 %, below 10 g/dl was 24 %.
7. The most frequent blood type of mother was B type(35 %) and O type was next (27 %).
8. The most frequent maternal complication was anemia.
9. In case of 1st baby, the most frequent baby weight group was 2,400-2,700 g(27. 4 %) followed by 1,800-2,100 g(22 %) and that of 2nd baby was in order of 2,400
10. Male percent is higher than female percent(58 %>42 %).
11. Low 1 minute and 5 minute Apgar scores more often in second twins than 1st twins.
12. In fetal presentation of twins, vertex - vertex combination was next common (46 %) and vertex - breech combination was next (36 %).
13. In an interval between 1st and 2nd baby deliveries, the most frequent was within 5 minute group(82.4 %) followed by 6-10 minute ( 10.9 %) and the least was over 30 minute group( 1.1 %).
Alternative Title
Clinical Study of Twin Pregnancy
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology (산부인과학)
School of Medicine
조준형 et al. (1994). 쌍태임신에 관한 임상적고찰. 대한주산의학회잡지, 5(3), 296–302.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology (산부인과학)
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