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Performance of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry (VITEK MS) in the Identification of Salmonella Species

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Ryoo, Nam Hee
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MALDI-TOF MSSalmonella speciesVITEK MSmass spectrometry
Salmonella is a major pathogen causing foodborne infections in humans. Salmonella isolates are identified using biochemical and serological tests, including automated systems such as the VITEK2 system. However, there are few reports on Salmonella identification using VITEK MS. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the usefulness of MALDI-TOF VITEK MS for Salmonella identification. A total of 1389 Salmonella isolates were identified using VITEK MS ver3.0 or ver3.2. All Salmonella isolates were confirmed by serotyping using the Kauffmann-White scheme, and the results were compared with the VITEK MS results. A total of 1389 Salmonella isolates, including 66 serotypes, were correctly identified at the genus level by VITEK MS. However, these systems failed to correctly identify typhoidal Salmonella. Among the five Salmonella enterica ssp. diarizonae isolates, only one was correctly identified, whereas one and three isolates were partially identified and misidentified, respectively. On the other hand, the VITEK2 system successfully identified all typhoidal Salmonella (Typhi and Paratyphi A) and Salmonella enterica ssp. diarizonae isolates. VITEK MS was useful for identifying Salmonella species isolated from clinical specimens; however, additional biochemical tests, such as the VITEK2 System, should be considered to accurately identify Salmonella ser. Typhi, and Salmonella ser. Paratyphi A.
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