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운동프로그램이 비만 여대생의 신체조성과 체력에 미치는 영향

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of exercise program on body composition and physical fitness of obese college female students.
The data collection was performed from September 29, 2003 to December, 29, 2003.
The research design was set up by the randomized control group pretest-posttest experimental design.
The subjects were nursing college students at K University. Forty four students, 20 for experimental group and another 24 for a control group, with over body fat 30% were randomly assigned.
The subjects in experimental group participated in exercise program for 12 weeks, sixty minute ant once, five times per week.
Body composition and physical fitness was measured by body composition analyzer(BCA-1000plus), and cardiovascular endurance(Harvard step test), muscle endurance(sit-ups), muscle strength(grip strength, back strength), flexibility(sitting trunk flexion), balance(close-eyes foot-balance), agility(whole body reaction time) and power (standing long jump).
Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, X^(2)-test, t-test and ANCOVA test, with SPSS/Win 11.0 program.
The results of this study were as follows:
1.The 1st hypothesis, "Body composition in the experimental group after exercise program will be higher than the control group" was partially supported. Body weight(F=4.76, p=0.035), body fat(kg)(F=5.68, p=0.022) and body mass index(F=5.73, p=0.021) were significant, body fat(%), lean body mass, muscle mass and WHR were no significant.
2. The 2nd hypothesis "Physical fitness in the experimental group after exercise program will be higher than the control group" was partially supported. Back strength(F=6.50, p=0.015), flexibility(F=14.62, p=0.000), muscle endurance(F=5.76, p=0.021) and balance(F=7.29, p=0.010) were significant, but cardiovascular endurance, grip strength and agility were no significant.
From the above results, exercise program was effective to improve body improve body weight, body fat(kg), body mass index, back strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, balance and power of obese college female students.
Alternative Title
The Effect of Exercise Program on Body Composition, Physical Fitness in Obese College Female Students
Awarded Date
김향동. (200406). 운동프로그램이 비만 여대생의 신체조성과 체력에 미치는 영향.
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2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > 석사
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