운동부하 및 각종 신체조건이 혈압 및 ECG에 미치는 영향(제1보)
- Author(s)
- 김상표; 남상욱; 최경돈; 최요한; 최헌욱; 현정애; 박원균; 채의업
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kim, Sang Pyo; Chae, E Up; Park, Won Kyun
- Department
- Dept. of Pathology (병리학)
Dept. of Physiology (생리학)
Dept. of Medical Education (의학교육학)
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 1982
- Volume
- 1
- Number
- 1
- Abstract
- We studied this experiment to compare the effects of blood circulatory system to exercise and changes of various physical conditions i.e., postural change, finger ergometry, Flack test, cold pressor test and bicycle ergometry. We had sixty healthy college students. Their mena±SD values of physical characteristics were as follows: age; 22.0±1.37, weight; male 61.7±5.06kg, female 46.2±47kg. We observed the changes on blood pressure (B.P.) and E.C.G. and compared each changes with references. In changes of body position from sitting to supine position, decreased diastolic B.P. and increased pulse pressure were observed. In the finger ergometry, systolic B.P. Was increased. There were no significant changes in the diastolic B.P. and heart rate. In the Flack test, there were increased systolic B.P. and bradycardia. During the cold pressor test, heart rate was increased. After the cold pressor test, B.P. and heart rate were decreased comparing to control. Amplitude of T wave was increased. In the bicycle ergometry, immediately after exercise the heart rate and systolic B.P. were increased, and diastolic B.P. was decreased. There were shortening of the P-R intervals and decreased Q-T intervals. The S-T segment was depressed after the bicycle ergometry in the lead Ⅱ and aVF, however the elevated S-T segment in lead Ⅱ and aVF after postural change, finger ergometry, Flack test and cold pressor test was obtained. In the bicycle ergometry, the depressed S-T segment was analyzed by so called S-T vector. This finding was indicated left ventricular local ischemia but the reason of the elevated S-T segment in the relatively mild stress other than this were still obscure.
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