후두암의 방사선치료 후 합병증
- Author(s)
- 송달원
- Alternative Author(s)
- Song, Dal Won
- Department
- Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology (이비인후과학)
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 1985
- Volume
- 4
- Number
- 2
- Abstract
- Postradiation laryngeal edema may occur when either high doses have to be given or infection supervenes on an irradiated iarynx. In our dept., I had experienced patients with the glottic and transglottic type of laryngeal cancer, who had selected radiotherapy with Cobalt 60, as a first choice.
The patients had showed severe edema around the arytenoid and suffered from dyspnea and neck pain 3 to 4 months after radiotherapy. In spite of repeated trials with antibiotics and steroid, there were no improvement. So, total laryngectomy were performed. After operation I had experienced the complications of pharyngocutaneous fistula and disruption of the reconstructed pharyngeal mucosa.
Hereby I present 2 cases with a brief review of the literature.
著者가 경험한 2例에서는 放射線治療後 약 3~4개월부터 심한 喉頭浮腫 및 呼吸障碍와 壞死로 인한 疼痛 등을 호소하여 喉頭機能損失로 판정하고 手術的으로 喉頭를 除去해야 했던 患者에서 재건된 咽頭粘膜의 破裂로 皮瘤로 통하는 瘻孔을 가져오게 되어 보건적 치료 및 재건술에 의해 치료에 효험을 보았기에 문헌을 고찰하여 보고하는 바이다.
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