Mallory-Weiss Syndrome의 임상적 경험
- Author(s)
- 강재원; 박창호; 오영철; 허정욱; 안성훈; 박승국
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Hur, Jung Wook; Ahn, Sung Hoon; Park, Soong Kook
- Department
- Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학)
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 1986
- Volume
- 5
- Issue
- 1
- Abstract
- We had been experienced 66 cases of M-W syndrome during seven and a half years from 1979 to 1986.
1) Male patients were 65 among 66 patients of Mallory-Weiss syndrome.
2) The age was distributed from 21 years to 73 years old, and most of them were in 3rd decade to 5th decade.
3) 42 cases were bled after vomiting(64%), but the history of vomiting was unknown in 24 cases of M-W syndrome.
4) Associated disorders were peptic ulcer(5), liver cirrhosis(7), gastritis (6), etc.
5) 59 cases of them had hematemesis, 44 cases had melena.
6) The sites of laceration were placed on esophagogastric junction (37 cases), stomach(21) and esophagus(18).
7) The number of laceration was single mostly(56 cases).
8) During same period, cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding were 724,patients of M-W syndrome were 9.1% of total upper G-I bleeders.
9) Bleeding was ceased by conservative therapy in most cases(59 cases), 5 cases were died because of sepsis associated with traffic accident or diabetes mellitus.
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