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에타놀이 체위변화에 대한 순환계 및 항이뇨 호르몬의 반응에 미치는 영향

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Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Yoon Nyun
Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학)
Journal Title
Keimyung Medical Journal
Issued Date
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and cardiovascular responses to passive standing (PS) were compared in 6 flushed (F) and 7 non-flushed (NF) young men before and after ethanol ingestion. After 30 min-resting in supine position, the subject was standing for 10 min with his feet 6 inches apart and 9 inches from a wall with his upper back leaning slightly against the wall for support. Then’ he returned to the supine position after 30 min and imbibed 3ml of 25% ethanol/L total body water. Following 60 min in supine position, another PS test (EOH-PS) was performed.

Blood ethanol concentration reached a peak of 50mg/dl after 30min. Ethanol produced a marked increase in heart rate only in F group and no significant change in systolic and diastolic pressures in either group. Plasma ADH concentration was decreased at 60 min after ethanol only in NF group (2.65±0.26—1.94±0.37pg/ml. p <0.05).

Plasma ADH concentration was not altered by PS, but increased after EOH-PS (F: 2.92土0. 29 —4.40士0.91, NF : 1.94±0.37—4/71土 1.14pg/ml. p<0.05). Hematocrit was not changed significantly by PS but was increased by EOH-PS (F : 43.4土1.2—46.2士1.2, NF : 44.6士1.2—47.2土1.2. p<0.01). Percent fall in plasma volume was 10.8土1.4% in F and 9.63土1.9% in NF group after EOH-PS. Decrease in systolic pressure was lOmmHg in NF and SmmHg in F group by PS, but was 13mmHg both in F and NF groups by EOH-PS. Diastolic pressure was not changed significantly by PS or IOH--PS. I ncrr-aspd hca rt rate by PS was much gre.'ttcr h t'ter ethanol in both groups.

Six subjects felt dizziness during PS ami the experiment was terminated. Plasma A[)H conccnt'-alion was markedly increased (3. 03±0.66—>17. 59;]-.4. 29pg7m]) and heart rate was decreased uhhin 5 min of dizziness.

Abo\c re.snlt suggests that PS after ethanol ingestion affected ADH and cardiovascular system much iim시 e than PS before ethanol. However, the responses to the change in posture was not dil'ferevit between the I1、and NF groups.
Alternative Title
ADH and Cardiovascular Responses to Passive Standing1 in Flushed and Non flushed Man Following: Acute Administration of Ethanol
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
Keimyung University School of Medicine
김윤년 et al. (1987). 에타놀이 체위변화에 대한 순환계 및 항이뇨 호르몬의 반응에 미치는 영향. Keimyung Medical Journal, 6(1), 1–13.
Appears in Collections:
2. Keimyung Medical Journal (계명의대 학술지) > 1987
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학)
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