에타놀이 체위변화에 대한 순환계 및 항이뇨 호르몬의 반응에 미치는 영향
- Author(s)
- 김윤년; 이원정; 주영은
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kim, Yoon Nyun
- Department
- Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학)
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 1987
- Volume
- 6
- Number
- 1
- Abstract
- Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and cardiovascular responses to passive standing (PS) were compared in 6 flushed (F) and 7 non-flushed (NF) young men before and after ethanol ingestion. After 30 min-resting in supine position, the subject was standing for 10 min with his feet 6 inches apart and 9 inches from a wall with his upper back leaning slightly against the wall for support. Then’ he returned to the supine position after 30 min and imbibed 3ml of 25% ethanol/L total body water. Following 60 min in supine position, another PS test (EOH-PS) was performed.
Blood ethanol concentration reached a peak of 50mg/dl after 30min. Ethanol produced a marked increase in heart rate only in F group and no significant change in systolic and diastolic pressures in either group. Plasma ADH concentration was decreased at 60 min after ethanol only in NF group (2.65±0.26—1.94±0.37pg/ml. p <0.05).
Plasma ADH concentration was not altered by PS, but increased after EOH-PS (F: 2.92土0. 29 —4.40士0.91, NF : 1.94±0.37—4/71土 1.14pg/ml. p<0.05). Hematocrit was not changed significantly by PS but was increased by EOH-PS (F : 43.4土1.2—46.2士1.2, NF : 44.6士1.2—47.2土1.2. p<0.01). Percent fall in plasma volume was 10.8土1.4% in F and 9.63土1.9% in NF group after EOH-PS. Decrease in systolic pressure was lOmmHg in NF and SmmHg in F group by PS, but was 13mmHg both in F and NF groups by EOH-PS. Diastolic pressure was not changed significantly by PS or IOH--PS. I ncrr-aspd hca rt rate by PS was much gre.'ttcr h t'ter ethanol in both groups.
Six subjects felt dizziness during PS ami the experiment was terminated. Plasma A[)H conccnt'-alion was markedly increased (3. 03±0.66—>17. 59;]-.4. 29pg7m]) and heart rate was decreased uhhin 5 min of dizziness.
Abo\c re.snlt suggests that PS after ethanol ingestion affected ADH and cardiovascular system much iim시 e than PS before ethanol. However, the responses to the change in posture was not dil'ferevit between the I1、and NF groups.
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