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심부회선장골동맥의 임상적 이용에 대한 연구

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Keimyung Author(s)
Kang, Chang Soo
Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery (정형외과학)
Journal Title
Keimyung Medical Journal
Issued Date
In 1973 the free vascular groin flap was introduced by Daniel and Taylor, and in 1974 the free vascularized iliac bone graft was evolved by Taylor. In 1984 Leung reconstructed the proximal femoral defect with a vascular pedicled iliac graft. After that the deep circumflex iliac artery was considered to be the useful artery in field of orthopedic surgery. This artery supplies th soft tissue of the lower abdominal wall, the skin over the iliac crest and bone of the iliac wing. Therefore it is one of the most important arteries for the free vascular groin flap with or without a bone block and also for transfering a living bone block to the necrotizing femoral head. We have performed pelvic angiograms in 40 cases for the examination of anatomical variations of the deep circumflex iliac artery and then classified them into three groups by the pattern of the ascending branch. Group Ⅰ: Ascending branch come within one or two cm of the ASIS (23 cases, 58%) Group Ⅱ: Ascending branch come within one cm of external iliac artery (4 cases, 10%) Group Ⅲ: Several ascending branches are noted(13 cases, 32%) We have attempted the vascular pedicled iliac bone graft, using the deep circumflex iliac artery, in 25 cases with idiopathic avascular necrosis of femoral head to revitalize the dead head and to prevent further collapse of femoral head, and then the results were obtained that the deep circumflex iliac artery was the useful one in the filed of orthopedic surgery.
Alternative Title
Study of Oeep^imiixillex Iliac Artery for the Clinical Use
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
Keimyung University School of Medicine
이기훈 and 강창수. (1989). 심부회선장골동맥의 임상적 이용에 대한 연구. Keimyung Medical Journal, 8(1), 61–68.
Appears in Collections:
2. Keimyung Medical Journal (계명의대 학술지) > 1989
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery (정형외과학)
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