뇌수막종의 임상적 고찰
- Author(s)
- 최기석; 김동원; 손은익; 임만빈; 김인홍
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kim, Dong Won; Son, Eun Ik; Yim, Man Bin; Kim, In Hong
- Department
- Dept. of Neurosurgery (신경외과학)
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 1989
- Volume
- 8
- Issue
- 2
- Abstract
- In order to predict the possibility of compplete resection of intracranial meningioma according to anaatomical sites, the authors have analyzed 36 surgical cases of intracranial meningiomas retrospectively from June, 1982 to May, 1988. The distribution of the sites in the intracranial meningiomas were; convexity (27.8%), paarasagittal and falx(25%), middle cranial fossa(22.2%), anterior cranial fossa(13.9%), posterior cranial fossa(5.6%). intraventricular(5.6%) area. Convexity and intraventricular meningiomas were removed totally in all of 12 cases and parasagittal and falx meningiomas were removed totally in 8 cases and subtotally in 1 case. Anterior fossa were removed totally in 3 cases, subtotally in 1 cases and partially in 1 case. Middle fossa were removed totally in 5cases, subtotally in 2 cases and partially in 1 cases. Posterior fossa were removed totally in 1 case and partially in 1 case. Therefore miningiomas that removed totally and subtotally were 33 cases(91.6%) and partially in 3 cases (8.4%). The outcome at discharge was excellent in 20 cases(55.6%), good in 10 cases (27.8%), faair group in 4 cases(11.1%). The mortality rate was 5.6%(2 cases). From this study, we concluded that intracranial meningiomas could remove totally, which were located in convexity, parasagittal and falx, orbit, olfactory groove, lateral sphenoidal ridge, pyramid, intraventricle and posterior convexity, but were difficult to total removal in medial sphenoidal ridge, cavernous sinus and faloctentorial junction.
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