대엽성 뇌출혈의 임상적 고찰
- Author(s)
- 이용희; 박성파; 이동국; 이상도; 서정규; 박영춘
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Lee, Dong Kuck; Yi, Sang Do; Park, Young Chun; Suh, Chung Kyu
- Department
- Dept. of Neurology (신경과학)
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 1990
- Volume
- 9
- Issue
- 2
- Keyword
- Lobar hemorrhage; Seizure; Cryptic arteriovenous malformation
- Abstract
- A clinical study was done on 74 cases of lobar intracerebral hemorrhage which were confirmed by brain CT scan at Keimyung University Dongsan hospital from Jan 1985 to Dec 1988 The results were summarized as follows 1. The incidence of lobar hemorrhage was 15.2% of all spontaneous intracranial parenchymal hemorrhage 2. The most prevalent ages were 6th and 7th decades and the male to female ratio was 117 3. The most common precipitating factor was hypertension and most of the hemorrhage occured during activities. 4. The major presenting symptoms were headache, nausea, vomiting, motor weakness, altered consciousness, language disturbance, and seizure in order of frequency 5. The major neurologic signs on admission were hemiparesis, altered consciousness, aphasia and visual field defect in order of frequency 6. The mean size of hematoma on CT was 28.9cc and the sizes of hematoma were under 30cc in 59.5% of patients 7. The common sites of lobar hemorrhage were parietal lobe, temporal lobe, frontal lobe, and occipital lobe in order of frequency 8. 40 cases of lobar hemorrhage were treated medically and 34 cases surgically Over all the hospital course was significantly correlated with conscious level on admission, but not with size of hematoma
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