최근 6년간 피부사상균의 임상적 및 균학적 관찰
- Author(s)
- 정재봉; 류영욱; 오광열; 박의수; 이규석; 송준영
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Ryoo, Young Wook; Park, Eui Soo; Lee, Kyu Suk; Song, Joon Young
- Department
- Dept. of Dermatology (피부과학)
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 1993
- Volume
- 12
- Issue
- 1
- Keyword
- Clinical dermatophytosis
- Abstract
- This clinical and mycological investigation was made with 1004 outpatients of clinical dermatophytosis who have visited the dermatological clinic of Keimyung university medical school from July, 1986 to September, 1992.
The results are as follows:
The incidence of superficial fungal infection was 6.5% of total 15,559 cases of outpatients.
The ratio of male to female patients was 1.5:1 and showed more prevalence in male.
Among the age groups, the incidence rate was highest in 3rd decade.
Common fungal diseases were tinea pedis(22.5%), T. cruris(21.7%), and C. albicans(16.0%).
In KOH preparation of 1004 scrapings, the positive rate was 89.8%.
In cultrual survey of 1004 scrapings, the postitive rate was 56.9%. In 45.9% of scrapings, both culture and KOH mount were positive and the negative KOH scrapings dermatophytosis (59.0%), and others in decreasing frequency were Microsporum gypseum(0.35%) Microsporum ferrugineum(0.17%).
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