간질 발작시에 나타나는 조기유전자 발현의 변화
- Author(s)
- 박창교; 김수경
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kim, Soo Kyung
- Department
- Dept. of Pharmacology (약리학)
Institute for Medical Science (의과학 연구소)
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 1996
- Volume
- 15
- Issue
- 3
- Keyword
- C-fos; C-myc; Convulsants
- Abstract
- Cellular immediate early gene expressions have been demonstrated to be modulated in response to a variety of seizure-inducing stimuli. In this study, two immediate early genes, c-fos and c-myc were investigated in response to the convulsants such as kainic acid(KA, 10mg/kg, ip). pentylenetetrazole(PTZ, 40mg/kg, ip), and N-methy1-D-aspartate(NMEA, 60mg/kg, ip) in three regions of rat brain : cerebral cortex, striatum, and brain stem. The KA and PTZ treatment slightly increased the transcription of c-fos in cerebral cortex, striatum, and brain stem. The MK-801 or baclofen pretreatment did not block the elevated expression of c-fos by KA and PTZ treatment. The NMDA treatment showed a reversal response of KA and PTZ treatment. The c-myc expression did not show a significant change in each of convulsant treatment groups and MK-801 or baclofen pretreatment did not exhibit considerable differenes.
Therefore, c-fos could be one of the first seizure-related genes expressed in a cascade of events underlying different post-translational products, which result in diverse functional consequences depending on the brain sites.
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