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Nalbuphine HCL(Nubain)을 이용한 균형마취

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Keimyung Author(s)
Bae, Jung In
Dept. of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine (마취통증의학)
Institute for Medical Science (의과학 연구소)
Journal Title
Keimyung Medical Journal
Issued Date
Balanced anesthesiaNalbuphine.
Nalbuphine hydrochloride produces agonistic analgesic effects at the kappa-receptor and antagonistic effects at the mu-receptor. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hemodynamic effects of nalbuphine hydrochloride during balanced anesthesia.
20 patients, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status ⅠandⅡ, were scheduled for elective surgery. All patients were administered nalbuphine hydrochloride and glycopyrrolate IM 60 min. for premedication. Induction was established with pentothal sodium and succinylcholine after preoxygenation. 1.0 ㎎/㎏ of nalbuphine hydrochloride, and non-depolarizing muscle relaxant were administered for maintenance.
The mean age of the patients was 49±6.8 years and there were eight men and twelve women. The duration of the operation and recovery time were 207±3.3 min. and 247±34.8 min. respectively. The mean arterial pressure was 93.6±7.8 mmHg preoperatively, 116.2±18.0 mmHg intraoperatively, 95.1±14.8 mmHg postoperatively. The arterial blood gases were analysed for the evaluation of ventilatory function. The PaCO₂ was 412.9±2.8 mmHg preoperatively, 41.1±1.2 mmHg postoperatively. The PaO₂was 91.9±6.42 mmHg preoperatively, 93.8±3.91 mmHg postoperatively, pH was 7.39±0.03 preoperatively, 7.35±0.02 postoperatively.
There were no statistically significant differences regarding vital signs, arterial blood gas analysis and respiratory rate measured at preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative states.
Taken these all together, we conclude that nalbuphine hydrochloride is the safe drug for balanced anesthesia because of its cardiovascular stability, no respiratory disturbance, tolerable postoperative pain, rapid recovery of consciousness, few side effects, drug toxicity and low cost of drug.
Alternative Title
Balanced Anesthesia
with Nalbuphine Hydrochloride (Nubain®)
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
Keimyung University School of Medicine
배정인. (1998). Nalbuphine HCL(Nubain)을 이용한 균형마취. Keimyung Medical Journal, 17(2), 247–254.
Appears in Collections:
2. Keimyung Medical Journal (계명의대 학술지) > 1998
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine (마취통증의학)
3. Research Institutues (연구소) > Institute for Medical Science (의과학연구소)
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