Cardioembolic Subcortical Infarcts: Clinical Characteristics in 45 Atrial Fibrillation Patients
- Author(s)
- 정두교
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 2000
- Volume
- 19
- Number
- 1
- Keyword
- Small
subcortical infarcts; Atrial flbrillation; Cardioembolic subcortical infarcts
- Abstract
- We undertook this study to evaluate the prevalence, risk factors, and clinicoradiological characteristics of cardioembolic subcortical infarcts (SSI). An issue concerning cardioembolism as a cause of SSI has not been settled down. We selected 46 patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and an isolated CT- or MRI-proven SCI in territory of the interna] carotid system. The patients were divided into small (maximal diameter of lesion less than 15 mm) subcortical infarcts [SSI] group (n = 27) and large (maximal diameter of lesion greater than 15 mm) subcortical infarcts [LSI] group (n = 19). We investigated and compared clinical characteristics in both groups. Five (19%) patients in the [SSI] group and 15 (83%) in the [LSI] group had one or more associated neuropsychologic disturbances. In five (19%) patients in the fSSI] group and in 3 (16%) in the [LSI], the lesion was in the centrum ovale. Five (19%) cardiac embolic SSI were found in the [SSI] group (N = 27). The short-term outcome for cardiac embolic SSI was better than for the remaining SSL A higher frequency of neuropsychological disturbances and better recovery of neurologic deficits characterized cardioembolic SSI vs. SSI due to small vessel disease. Small and large centrum ovale infarcts can be caused by cardiac embolic sources. The prevalence of cardioembolic SSI in the [SSI] group was 19 %.
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