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비만 여성에서 간접파 치료에 의한 대퇴부 두레 감소효과

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Keimyung Author(s)
Suh, Young SungKim, Dae Hyun
Dept. of Family Medicine (가정의학)
Journal Title
Keimyung Medical Journal
Issued Date
Interferential current therapyObesityThigh circumferenceTopical fat reduction
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether thigh
circumference could be reduced by appling interferential therapy on thigh.
Twenty-two obese adult women with BMI of 25 to 33.3 kg/m2 were recruited from
Dongsan Medical Center, Korea. The trial was cross-over designed, and consisted
of 500 calorie deficit diet for 8 weeks and application of interferential therapy for
4 weeks. A half of the studied subjects (Group A; 12 subjects) was assigned at
random to application of interferential therapy for the first 4 weeks, and the
remaining half of the subjects (Group B; 10 subjects) were subjected to
interferential therapy for the last 4 weeks. Interferential therapy was applied on
the right thigh in 2 sessions a week for 4 weeks. In order to study difference in
thigh circumference, both thigh circumferences were measured at 20 cm above the
patellar upper margin in knee extension of supine position. In the group A,
differences of right thigh circumferences during 4 weeks period between before and
after application were significantly greater than that of left thigh circumferences
(P=0.031). Also in the group B, differences of right thigh circumferences during
the period between 4 week and after application (8 week) were significantly
greater than that of left thigh circumference (P=0.047). Nevertheless there was a
significant difference between the group A and B in the reduction of right thigh
circumference (P=0.003 vs. P=0.024 respectively). Based on the above results,
we suggest that application of interferential current therapy on the region of
interest is a useful method of topical fat reduction in obese women.
Alternative Title
Reduction of Thigh
Circumference by Interferential
Current Therapy in Obese Women
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
Keimyung University School of Medicine
서영성 and 김대현. (2002). 비만 여성에서 간접파 치료에 의한 대퇴부 두레 감소효과. Keimyung Medical Journal, 21(2), 177–184.
Appears in Collections:
2. Keimyung Medical Journal (계명의대 학술지) > 2002
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Family Medicine (가정의학)
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