만성 주정중독 쥐간의 Epoxide Hydratase 활성에 미치는 간외성 담즙울체의 영향
- Author(s)
- 곽춘식; 최기석; 문교철; 김여희
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kwak, Chun Sik; Mun, Kyo Cheol; Kim, You Hee
- Department
- Dept. of Biochemistry (생화학)
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 2003
- Volume
- 22
- Issue
- 1
- Keyword
- Alcohol intoxication; Cholestasis; Epoxide hydratase
- Abstract
- To investigate the adverse effects of alcohol ingestion to the liver
under the hepatobiliary disease, the activity of the rat hepatic epoxide hydratase
was measured in extrahepatic cholestasis induced by common bile duct (CBD)
ligation after chronic ethanol intoxication. The liver microsomal epoxide hydratase
activity in CBD ligated rats combined with chronic ethanol intoxication was lower
than that in CBD ligation alone. On the other hands, the values of Vmax of the
liver microsomal epoxide hydratase in CBD ligated rats combined with chronic
ethanol intoxication was lower than that in CBD ligation alone. However, the
value of Km of the above hepatic enzyme did not vary in the all experimental
groups. This results indicate that the biosynthesis of the hepatic epoxide
hydratase decreases in chronic ethanol intoxication combined with cholestasis than
in cholestasis alone. Accordingly, the results will be the data supporting that
alcoholic ingestion is enzymologically harmful in hepatobiliary disease.
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