유방암환자에서 nm23 단백 발현양상과 예후인자 및 생존율과의 연관성
- Author(s)
- 김태국; 정기용
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Chung, Ki Yong
- Department
- Dept. of Surgery (외과학)
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 2003
- Volume
- 22
- Issue
- 2
- Keyword
- Breast cancer; Nm23 Protein; Survival rate
- Abstract
- There are many prognostic
factors in breast cancer. Metastasis to the regional lymph nodes in breast cancer patients is the most important prognostic factor. In cases with no metastasis to the regional lymph nodes, tumor size, differentiation, nuclear grade, estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) expression, and expression of oncogenes have been reported as prognostic factors. nm23 Gene and its products are known to be inversely related to the potentials of metastasis in breast cancer, however the contradicting results have also been reported. The expression of nm23 protein by immunohistochemical stain was investigated in 61 breast cancer patients and analyzed in relation to other prognostic factors and survival rate. The nm23 protein was positively stained in 91.8% of the breast cancer specimens. The expression of nm23 protein was positively related to the pathologic stage but it was not statistically significant. The expression of nm23 protein was not correlated with 5-year survival rate. In conclusion, the expression of nm23 protein by immunohistochemical method in breast cancer patients was not shown to have any correlation to the pathologic stage and the survival rate.
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