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분화성 갑상선암에서 갑상선 전 또는 근전절제술 후 저용량 I-131을 이용한 잔여갑상선 조직의 제거 성적

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Keimyung Author(s)
Won, Kyoung SookZeon, Seok Kil
Dept. of Nuclear Medicine (핵의학)
Journal Title
Keimyung Medical Journal
Issued Date
Differentiated thyroid cancerI-131 ablationLow doseRemnant thyroid tissue
To evaluate the effectiveness
of low dose Ⅰ-131 in ablation of residual thyroid tissue in well differentiated thyroid cancer after total or near total thyroidectomy. Materials and Methods We retrospectively analyzed 73 patients with thyroid cancer who were treated with low dose Ⅰ-131(1.11 GBq) after total or near total thyroidectomy for well differentiated thyroid cancer from Jan. 1997 to Jul. 2002. Among total 73 patients 48 patients who underwent at least once Ⅰ-131 whole body scan 6 months after Ⅰ-131 therapy were included. absent visible uptake on Ⅰ-131 whole body scan was considered as successful ablation of residual thyroid tissue. Results: Successful ablation was obtained in 73% (35/48) of patients with 1.29±0.52 times. There was no significant difference in age, sex and number of treatment between success or failure groups, however significant differences were observed in number of residual thyroid tissue and grade of radioactivity of residual thyroid tissue on Ⅰ-131 whole body scan and pin-hole image of thyroid bed. Conclusion: Ablation of remnant thyroid tissue could be performed successfully in patients with well differentiated thyroid cancer after total or near total thyroidectomy. Amount of residual thyroid tissue is very important in successful ablation with low dose Ⅰ-131. High dose ablation must be considered for patients with large amount of remnant thyroid tissue.
Alternative Title
Ablation Outcome
of Remnant Thyroid Tissue with Low Dose I-131 in Well Differentiated Thyroid Cancer after Total or Near Total Thyroidectomy
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
Keimyung University School of Medicine
원경숙 and 전석길. (2004). 분화성 갑상선암에서 갑상선 전 또는 근전절제술 후 저용량 I-131을 이용한 잔여갑상선 조직의 제거 성적. Keimyung Medical Journal, 23(2), 57–64.
Appears in Collections:
2. Keimyung Medical Journal (계명의대 학술지) > 2004
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Nuclear Medicine (핵의학)
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