Thalidomide로 치료한 다발성 골수종 환자에서 발생한 급성 심근경색 1례
- Author(s)
- 정여진; 류병한; 박준석; 강수경; 이승희; 임태훈; 조길현
- Journal Title
- Keimyung Medical Journal
- Issued Date
- 2013
- Volume
- 32
- Issue
- 1
- Keyword
- Myocardial infarction; Thalidomide; Thrombosis
- Abstract
- Thalidomide is an antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory drug used to treat multiple myeloma. An increase in the risk of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism related to thalidomide has been reported by several articles. However, arterial thrombosis associated with thalidomide is very rare, especially in coronary arteries. We had experienced a case of acute myocardial infarction in a 59-year old man who was treated by thalidomide due to a multiple myeloma. We report this case and review the literature.
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