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경북도내 강에서 채집된 담수어에 있어서 흡충류 피낭유충의 최근 감염상

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Keimyung Author(s)
Joo, Chong Yoon
Dept. of Medical Genetics (의학유전학)
Journal Title
Keimyung Medical Journal
Issued Date
Cheongdo RiverClonorchis sinensisDigenetic larval trematodesFresh-water fishHyungsan RiverKumho River
Recent pattern of infection rates and intensities with digenetic larval trematodes
from fresh-water fishes was studied in the Cheongdo River, Hyungsan River and Kumho River, Kyongbuk Province during the period from March to November, 2008. Eleven species of digenetic
larval trematodes from 3 families and 15 species of the fish and three undetermined species were
found. The cyst of Cyathocotyle orientalis, Exorchis oviformis, and Metacercaria hasegawai were
found most frequently in 11 species. Clonorchis sinensis was found in 10 species, and the infection rate was 82.6 percent in Gnathopogon atromaculatus’s flesh, 26.1 percent in fin and tail, and in Pseudorasbora parva, the infection rate of the flesh, fin and tail, or scales was each 50 percent. As far the intensities of Clonorchis sinensis, Gnathopogon atromaculatus was the most
heavily infected species with an average number of 9.0 cysts per gram of flesh, and Zacco platypus was very lightly infected species with 0.03. In the Chungdo River, the cyst of
Metacercaria hasegawai was found most frequently from 11 species out of 14 species of the fish, and Cobitis sinensis and Pseudogobio esocinus were the most highly infected with 75.0 percent, and the least infected by Zacco platypus with 8.3 percent. In the Hyungsan River, Exorchis
oviformis was the most frequently found cyst from six species out of 10 species of the fish, and in the Kumho River, Exorchis oviformis was the most frequently found cyst from 2 species out of 6 species.
These results indicate that the rate of infection with digenetic larval trematodes including
Clonorchis sinensis was still relatively high, and the metacercarial burden in the fish varies
greatly by different fishes in comparison with data reported previously in the same rivers.
Alternative Title
Recent Patterns of Infections with Digenetic Larval
Trematodes from Fresh-water Fishes in Three Rivers, Kyongbuk Province, Korea
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
Keimyung University School of Medicine
백은희 and 주종윤. (2009). 경북도내 강에서 채집된 담수어에 있어서 흡충류 피낭유충의 최근 감염상. Keimyung Medical Journal, 28(별호), 111–141.
Appears in Collections:
2. Keimyung Medical Journal (계명의대 학술지) > 2009
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Genetics (의학유전학)
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