Effect of modified graded recession and anteriorization on unilateral superior oblique palsy: a retrospective study
- Author(s)
- Dong Cheol Lee; Se Youp Lee
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Lee, Se Youp
- Department
- Dept. of Ophthalmology (안과학)
- Journal Title
- BMC Ophthalmology
- Issued Date
- 2017
- Volume
- 17
- Issue
- 1
- Keyword
- Modified graded recession; Anteriorization; Inferior oblique muscle; Unilateral superior oblique palsy
- Abstract
- Background: Several inferior oblique (IO) weakening methods exist for correction of superior oblique palsy (SOP). A
previously reported method involved recession and anteriorization according to IO overaction (IOOA) grade, which
might be subjective and cause upgaze limitation and opposite vertical strabismus. Therefore, this study attempted
to examine the efficacy of modified graded recession and anteriorization of the IO muscle in correction of unilateral
SOP without resulting in upgaze limitation or opposite vertical strabismus.
Methods: A total of 26 patients (male, 16; female, 10; age: 3–40 years) with SOP and head tilt or diplopia underwent
modified graded recession and anteriorization. Patients were grouped by the position at which the IO muscle was attached
inferior/temporal to the lateral border of the inferior rectus (IR) as follows: (1) 7.0/2.0 mm (4 patients), (2) 6.0/2.0 mm
(3 patients), (3) 5.0/2.0 mm (3 patients), (4) 4.0/2.0 mm (11 patients), (5) 3.0/0.0 mm (2 patients), and (6) 2.0/0.0 mm
(3 patients). Recession and anteriorization were matched to vertical deviation in the primary position at far distance.
Remaining diplopia, head tilt, vertical deviation (≤3 prism diopter (PD), excellent; 4–7 PD, good; and ≥ 8 PD, poor),
upgaze limitation, and opposite vertical strabismus were evaluated.
Results: The average pre and postoperative 1-year vertical deviation angles in the primary position at far distance were
15.0 ± 5.6 PD and 1.2 ± 2.0 PD, respectively. At 1 year post-surgery, the vertical deviation angles were reduced by 6.8–21.0
PD from those at baseline. Few patients exhibited remaining head tilt, diplopia, upgaze limitation, or opposite vertical
strabismus. Correction of hypertropia was excellent in 22 and good in 4 patients.
Conclusions: Modified graded recession and anteriorization of the IO muscle is an effective surgical method for treating
unilateral SOP. It exhibits good results and reduces the incidence of opposite vertical strabismus.
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