Factors related to internalization of stigma for alcohol defendence among Korean men
- Author(s)
- Lyu, Kyoung Yul; Lee, Kyunghee; Bejerano, Ivy Lynne
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Lee, Kyung Hee; Ivy Lynne A. Bejerano
- Department
- Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
- Journal Title
- Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal
- Issued Date
- 2017
- Volume
- 45
- Issue
- 1
- Keyword
- Abstract
- We investigated the relationships among internalized stigma and insight, depression, and self-esteem with a convenience sample of 174 alcohol-dependent Korean men being treated in the alcoholic ward of a psychiatric hospital. Data were collected using the Korean version of the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness Scale, Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory II and the Hanil Alcohol Insight Scale. Results showed a significant variation in internalized stigma in relation to age, employment status, and frequency of admission to hospital for treatment for alcohol dependence. The correlation between internalized stigma and insight was not significant but the correlation between depression and self-esteem was statistically significant. The results provide information for the formulating of relevant interventions to address depressive symptoms, improve self-esteem, and devise a plan to enable people with alcohol-related problems or alcohol dependence to have good access to community resources.
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