Quantitative sensory test for primary restless legs syndrome/Willis–Ekbom disease using the current perception threshold test
- Author(s)
- Yong Won Cho; Min-Sung Kang; Keun Tae Kim; So Young Do; Jung-Geun Lim; So Young Lee; Gholam K. Motamedi
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Cho, Yong Won; Lim, Jeong Geun; Kim, Keun Tae; Lee, So Young
- Department
- Dept. of Neurology (신경과학)
- Journal Title
- Sleep Medicine
- Issued Date
- 2017
- Volume
- 30
- Keyword
- Restless legs syndrome; Diurnal variation; Quantitative sensory test
- Abstract
- Background: Restless legs syndrome/WilliseEkbom disease (RLS/WED) is a sensorimotor neurological
disorder, and it is especially aggravated at night. The purpose of this study was to investigate the diurnal
sensory dysfunction in primary RLS/WED using the current perception threshold (CPT) test, compared to
healthy controls.
Methods: Thirty primary RLS/WED subjects and 30 healthy controls were enrolled. The severity of RLS/
WED and sleep problems were evaluated in all subjects. Peripheral polyneuropathy was excluded
through neurological examination and nerve conduction study.We used the Neurometer® system for the
CPT test and applied three different parameters (2000 Hz, 250 Hz, and 5 Hz), to stimulate both big toes.
The CPT test was performed twice, once during the asymptomatic daytime period and again in the
evening, when the patients were symptomatic.
Results: The mean ages of the RLS/WED group and controls were 50.5± 11.7 (22; 73.3% female), and
46.3 ±11.4 (24; 80.0% female), respectively. The mean international RLS/WED study group severity scale
score was 28.6±4.25. There was no significant difference in the current perception thresholds between
the RLS/WED patients and controls in daytime. However, the RLS/WED patients had lower mean CPT
measurements for all three stimulation protocols in the evening (2000 Hz: 393.2 ± 93.7 vs 430.8 ±79.6,
250 Hz: 172.0 ± 48.4 vs 198.5 ±38.2, and 5 Hz: 98.0±34.1 vs 124.6±31.3), while the healthy controls
showed no difference.
Conclusions: RLS patients showed a lower CPT in the evening. The diurnal variation of hyperalgesia in
RLS/WED patients indicates a central (circadian) sensory processing disturbance rather than a peripheral
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