Comparison of quality of life and worry of cancer recurrence between endoscopic and surgical treatment for ealry gastric cancer.
- Author(s)
- Byoung Kuk Jang; Woo Jin Chung; Jae Seok Hwang; Seung Wan Ryu; Jae Hyuk Choi; Eun Soo Kim; Yoo Jin Lee; Kwang Bum Cho; Kyung Sik Park
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kim, Eun Soo; Lee, Yoo Jin; Cho, Kwang Bum; Park, Kyung Sik; Jang, Byoung Kuk; Chung, Woo Jin; Hwang, Jae Seok; Ryu, Seung Wan
- Department
- Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학)
Dept. of Surgery (외과학)
- Journal Title
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- Issued Date
- 2015
- Volume
- 82
- Issue
- 2
- Abstract
- Background: The quality of life (QOL) of patients who survive early gastric cancer (EGC) is an area of increasing
Objective: To compare the QOL and degree of worry of cancer recurrence in EGC patients who underwent
endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) or surgery.
Design: Cross-sectional study.
Settings: A tertiary referral center.
Patients: A total of 565 patients with EGC who received ESD or surgery.
Intervention: Questionnaires.
Main Outcome Measurements: QOL was evaluated using the Short-form Health Survey and the European
Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QOL questionnaires (QLQ-C30 and EORTC-QLQ-STO22).
Mood disorders and the worry of cancer recurrence were estimated using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression
Scale (HADS) and Worry of Cancer Scale, respectively.
Results: Questionnaires were completed by 55.7% of the ESD (137/246) and 58.9% of the surgery (188/319)
patients. The surgery group had more QOL-related symptomatic and functional problems, including fatigue
(P Z .044), nausea/vomiting (P Z .032), appetite loss (P Z .023), diarrhea (P! .001), pain (P Z .013), reflux
symptoms (P Z .005), eating restrictions (P! .001), anxiety (P Z .015), taste impairment (P Z .011), and poor
body image (P! .001). The ESD group had significantly higher worry of cancer recurrence scores after adjusting
for covariates, especially when visiting their physicians. The HADS results did not differ between the groups.
Limitations: Cross-sectional design.
Conclusions: Endoscopic treatment for EGC provides a better QOL, but stomach preservation might provoke
cancer recurrence worries. Endoscopists should address this issue for relieving a patient’s concern of cancer
recurrence during follow-up period after ESD.
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