Discovery of common Asian copy number variants using integrated high-resolution array CGH and massively parallel DNA sequencing
- Author(s)
- Hansoo Park; Jong-Il Kim; Young Seok Ju; Omer Gokcumen; Ryan E Mills; Sheehyun Kim; Seungbok Lee; Dongwhan Suh; Dongwan Hong; Hyunseok Peter Kang; Yun Joo Yoo; Jong-Yeon Shin; Hyun-Jin Kim; Maryam Yavartanoo; Young Wha Chang; Jung-Sook Ha; Wilson Chong; Ga-Ram Hwang; Katayoon Darvishi; HyeRan Kim; Song Ju Yang; Kap-Seok Yang; Hyungtae Kim; Matthew E Hurles; Stephen W Scherer; Nigel P Carter; Chris Tyler-Smith; Charles Lee; Jeong-Sun Seo
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Ha, Jung Sook
- Department
- Dept. of Laboratory Medicine (진단검사의학)
- Journal Title
- Nature Genetics
- Issued Date
- 2010
- Volume
- 42
- Issue
- 5
- Abstract
- Copy number variants (CNVs) account for the majority of human genomic diversity in terms of base coverage. Here, we have developed and applied a new method to combine high-resolution array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) data with whole-genome DNA sequencing data to obtain a comprehensive catalog of common CNVs in Asian individuals. The genomes of 30 individuals from three Asian populations (Korean, Chinese and Japanese) were interrogated with an ultra-high-resolution array CGH platform containing 24 million probes. Whole-genome sequencing data from a reference genome (NA10851, with 28.3× coverage) and two Asian genomes (AK1, with 27.8× coverage and AK2, with 32.0× coverage) were used to transform the relative copy number information obtained from array CGH experiments into absolute copy number values. We discovered 5,177 CNVs, of which 3,547 were putative Asian-specific CNVs. These common CNVs in Asian populations will be a useful resource for subsequent genetic studies in these populations, and the new method of calling absolute CNVs will be essential for applying CNV data to personalized medicine.
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