Lateralization of Epileptic Foci by Neuropsychological Testing in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- Author(s)
- Hongkeun Kim; Sangdoe Yi; Eun Ik Son; Jieun Kim
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Yi, Sang Do; Son, Eun Ik
- Department
- Dept. of Neurology (신경과학)
Dept. of Neurosurgery (신경외과학)
- Journal Title
- Neuropsychology
- Issued Date
- 2004
- Volume
- 18
- Issue
- 1
- Abstract
- This study investigated the lateralizing value of neuropsychological testing in presurgical evaluation of
mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). This study differed from previous ones in that the cutoff values
were determined to yield high positive predictive values (PPVs), multiple neuropsychological predictors
were considered in combination, and patients with atypical language dominance or low intelligence were
not excluded from the sample. The participants were 92 patients with MTLE (left, n 47; right, n
45) who showed good postoperative seizure control. With a stringent cutoff criterion, the multiple
neuropsychological predictors considered in combination yielded a sensitivity of 15% and a PPV of 93%,
and with a less stringent cutoff criterion, a sensitivity of 37% and a PPV of 83%.
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