Relationship between motor alignment at postoperative day 1 and at year 1 after symmetric and asymmetric surgery in intermittent exotropia
- Author(s)
- Se-Youp Lee; Young Chun Lee
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Lee, Se Youp
- Department
- Dept. of Ophthalmology (안과학)
- Journal Title
- Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology
- Issued Date
- 2001
- Volume
- 45
- Issue
- 2
- Keyword
- Bilateral lateral rectus recession; intermittent exotropia; unilateral lateral rectus recession-medial rectus resection
- Abstract
- Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between the motor alignment at postoperative day 1 and at year 1 following bilateral lateral rectus recession (BLR, symmetric surgery) and unilateral lateral rectus recession-medial rectus resection (R&R, asymmetric surgery) for the treatment of intermittent exotropia, X(T).
Methods: Forty-six patients with basic or pseudo-divergence excess type of X(T) underwent BLR and 57 patients underwent R&R. The motor alignment at postoperative day 1 was classified as overcorrected by 11–20 prism diopters (PD), overcorrected by 1–10 PD, orthotropic, or undercorrected by 1–10 PD of exotropia.
Results: There was a statistically significant relationship between the alignment at postoperative day 1 and at year 1 following both R&R and BLR surgery (r = 0.74, r = 0.51, respectively, P < .05). Patients overcorrected by 1–20 PD had a significantly higher success rate than those undercorrected by 1–10 PD on postoperative day 1 (P < .05). For R&R, a postoperative day 1 alignment of 1–10 PD resulted in the highest success rate of 73.7%. For BLR, a postoperative day 1 alignment of 11–20 PD showed the highest success rate of 76.9%. There were no significant differences in the success, undercorrection and overcorrection rates between the two surgical procedures after a 1-year postoperative period.
Conclusions: The alignment at postoperative day 1 can be a predictive factor of the surgical outcome in X(T). A postoperative day 1 overcorrection of 11–20 PD following BLR surgery and an overcorrection of 1–10 PD following R&R can lead to good results.
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