Is the Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale a useful diagnostic tool?: The CRESCEND study
- Author(s)
- Seon-Cheol Park; Joonho Choi; Jae-Min Kim; Tae-Youn Jun; Min-Soo Lee; Jung-Bum Kim; Hyeon-Woo Yim; Yong Chon Park
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kim, Jung Bum
- Department
- Dept. of Psychiatry (정신건강의학)
- Journal Title
- Journal of Affective Disorders
- Issued Date
- 2014
- Volume
- 166
- Keyword
- Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS); Psychotic depression (PD); Hallucinatory behavior; Emotional withdrawal; Differential diagnosis
- Abstract
- Background.
The Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS) has been validated as a method of assessing the severity and treatment outcomes of psychotic depression (PD). We aimed to compare the results of the PDAS in PD and non-psychotic depression (non-PD) patients and validate the PDAS as a diagnostic tool for PD.
We included 53 patients with PD and 441 with non-PD who participated in the Clinical Research Center for Depression study in South Korea. In addition to the PDAS, psychometric tools including the HAMD17, HAMA, BPRS, CGI-S, SOFAS, SSI-Beck, WHOQOL-BREF, AUDIT, and FTND were used to assess, respectively, depression, anxiety, overall symptoms, global severity, social functioning, suicidal ideation, quality of life, alcohol use, and nicotine use.
After adjusting for age and total HAMD17 score, PD patients had higher scores for depressive mood, hallucinations, unusual thought content, suspiciousness, blunted affect, and emotional withdrawal on the PDAS and higher total scores on the SSI-Beck than non-PD patients. Binary logistic regression identified hallucinatory behavior and emotional withdrawal as predictors of PD. Receiver operating characteristic analysis showed that emotional withdrawal could be used to differentiate psychotic from non-psychotic depression.
The inter-rater reliability for psychometric assessments was not evaluated.
In addition to assessing the severity and treatment outcomes of PD, PDAS can help in the diagnosis of PD.
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