Late complications and current status of long-term survivals over 10 years after Kasai portoenterostomy
- Author(s)
- Soon-Ok Choi; Eunyoung Jung; Woo-Hyun Park
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Jung, Eun Young; Park, Woo Hyun; Choi, Soon Ok
- Department
- Dept. of Surgery (외과학)
- Journal Title
- Journal of the Korean Surgical Society
- Issued Date
- 2011
- Volume
- 81
- Issue
- 4
- Keyword
- Biliary atresia; Hepatic portoenterostomy; Survivors; Portal hypertension; Cholangitis
- Abstract
- Purpose: Whereas the Kasai portoenterostomy (KPE) is an accepted first line of surgery for bile drainage in infants with biliary
atresia, its long-term effectiveness is not clear because its etiology and pathogenesis remains unknown. This study was
aimed to investigate the late complications occurring in long-term survivors and the current status of living patients who survived
over 10 years after KPE. Methods: A retrospective analysis of the medical records of 32 patients who underwent KPE
from 1990 to 2000 was done. We analyzed 10-year survival rates with the Kaplan-Meier method and the current status of the
long-term survivors. Results: The overall 10-year survival rate by Kaplan-Meier method after KPE was 76.2%. Eight (25%) patients
had died, including 4 who were transplanted. Nineteen (59.4%) patients survived over 10 years. Among them, 6
(31.6%) patients had portal hypertension, and 5 (26.3%) had episodes of cholangitis. Two had intrahepatic cyst and 2 had intestinal
obstruction. Six (31.6%) patients have been well without any complications. Conclusion: The long-term survival rate
of biliary atresia is slightly improving. However, two thirds of patients suffer from various complications. One-third of survivors
go on without any complication. As biliary atresia is known as a progressive inflammatory disease, careful life-long follow-
up is needed in long-term survivals after KPE.
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