한국 소아 청소년기 림프종의 아형별 분포 및 특성
- Author(s)
- 이승숙; 김진만; 고영혜; 허주영; 강창석; 김철우; 강윤경; 고재향; 김민경; 김완섭; 김윤정; 김현정; 김희경; 남종회; 문형배; 박찬금; 박태인; 오영하; 이동화; 이종실; 이주희; 이혜경; 임성철; 장규윤; 장희경; 전윤경; 정혜라; 조민선; 차희정; 최석진; 한재호; 홍숙희; 김인선; 대한병리학회 혈액병리연구회
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Jung, Hye Ra
- Department
- Dept. of Pathology (병리학)
- Journal Title
- Korean Journal of Pathology
- Issued Date
- 2010
- Volume
- 44
- Issue
- 2
- Keyword
- Pediatric lymphoma; Incidence; Korea; Lymphoma
- Abstract
- Background: The Hematopathology Study Group of the Korean Society of Pathologists con-ducted a nation-wide retrospective analysis of Korean pediatric lymphoma, to provide patho-logic data on pediatric/adolescent lymphoma subtypes and features. Methods: All lymphoma cases of all age groups were collected during a recent 2 year-period (2005-2006) from 32 insti-tutes in Korea. Among 3,686 lymphoma patients, 142 who were age 18 or less were classi-fied according to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification. Results: Among 142 pediatric/adolescent lymphoma patients, Hodgkin lymphoma accounted for 21 (14.8%) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) for 121 (85.2%). Hodgkin lymphoma appears to be more com-mon in the pediatric/adolescent age group than in the all-ages group (14.8% vs 4.4%). T- and natural killer cell-NHL was more common in the pediatric/adolescent age group than in the all ages group (46.3% vs 22%). The majority of Korean pediatric/adolescent NHL cases was composed of Burkitt lymphoma, T- or B-lymphoblastic lymphoma, anaplastic large-cell lymphom-a, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. For lymphoma patients under the age of 6 years, most had B-lymphoblastic or Burkitt lymphoma, which commonly presented at extranodal sites. Conclusions: The distribution of lymphoma subtypes in the pediatric/adolescent age group is quite different from the distribution of adults, but it was quite similar to distribution in West-ern countries.
Key Words: Pediatric lymphoma; Incidence; Korea; Lymphoma
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