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Three Different Methods in Deformity Correction of Degenerative Flat Back: A Single Surgeon's Experience with 64 Consecutive Cases

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Ki-Tack KimSang-Hun LeeJung-Hee LeeKyung-Jung KangJung-Suk LeeEun-Seok Son
Keimyung Author(s)
Son, Eun Seok
Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery (정형외과학)
Journal Title
Asian Spine Journal
Issued Date
Study Design: Retrospective study.
Purpose: To evaluate the radiological and clinical results of three different methods in the deformity correction of a degenerative flat back.
Overview of Literature: There are no comparative studies about different procedures in the treatment of degenerative flat back.
Methods: Sixty-four patients who consecutively underwent corrective surgery for degenerative flat back were reviewed. The operations
were performed by three different methods: posterior-only (group P, n=20), one-stage anterior-posterior (group AP, n=12), and
two-stage anterior-posterior with iliac screw fixation (group AP-I, n=32). Medical and surgical complications were examined and radiological
and clinical results were compared.
Results: The majority of medical and surgical complications were found in group AP (5/12) and group P (7/20). The sagittal vertical
axes were within normal range immediately postoperatively in all groups, but only group AP-I showed normal sagittal alignment
at the final follow-up. Postoperative lumbar lordosis was also significantly higher in group AP-I than in group P or group AP and the
finding did not change through the last follow-up. The Oswestry disability index was significantly lower in groups AP and AP-I than
in group P at the final follow-up. Meanwhile, the operating time was the longest in group AP-I, and total amount of blood loss was
larger in group AP-I and group AP than in group P.
Conclusions: Anterior-posterior correction showed better clinical results than posterior-only correction. Two-staged anteriorposterior
correction with iliac screw fixation showed better radiological results than posterior-only or one-staged anterior-posterior
correction. Two-staged anterior-posterior correction with iliac screw fixation also showed a lower complication rate than one-staged
anterior-posterior correction.
Keywords: Lumbar vertebrae; Kyphosis; Surgical procedures; Treatment outcome
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
Ki-Tack Kim et al. (2015). Three Different Methods in Deformity Correction of Degenerative Flat Back: A Single Surgeon’s Experience with 64 Consecutive Cases. Asian Spine Journal, 9(3), 361–369. doi: 10.4184/asj.2015.9.3.361
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery (정형외과학)
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