The management of traumatic scalp pseudoaneurysms with manual or US-guided compression
- Author(s)
- Eun Joo Lee; Joo Hwan Kim; Hyuk Won Chang; Young Eun Bahn; Ealmaan Kim; Sang Pyo Kim; Sung il Sohn; Yong Won Cho; Hyung Lee
- Alternative Author(s)
- Chang, Hyuk Won; Kim, Sang Pyo; Kim, El; Sohn, Sung Il; Cho, Yong Won; Lee, Hyung
- Department
- Dept. of Radiology (영상의학)
Dept. of Pathology (병리학)
Dept. of Neurosurgery (신경외과학)
Dept. of Neurology (신경과학)
Brain Research Institute (뇌연구소)
- Journal Title
- British Journal of Neurosurgery
- Issued Date
- 2014
- Volume
- 28
- Number
- 3
- Abstract
- There are many reports dealing with the treatment of traumatic pseudoaneurysms of the scalp. But, there is no consistent standard of treatment for such lesions, to our knowledge. We reviewed our cases and evaluated the use of manual or ultrasonography (US)-guided compression as a treatment option for patients with traumatic scalp pseudoaneurysm. Four patients with traumatic pseudoaneurysm were enrolled in this study. Among them, three patients underwent manual or US-guided compression (mean size = 5.67 mm) and all the lesions were resolved. In one case, a residual lesion (size = 10 mm) remained after surgical operation (initial size = 20 mm). The lesion regressed after the patient was treated with US-guided compression. Overall, in this study population, four patients (mean = 6.75 mm) were treated with manual or US-guided compression. Although there were only a small number of patients in this study, all the traumatic scalp pseudoaneurysms were treated successfully. We recommend manual or US-guided compression for the treatment of these lesions. Further studies involving a larger number of patients and comparisons with surgical and endovascular data are needed.
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