The Effects on Cognitive Function and Behavioral Problems
of Topiramate Compared to Carbamazepine as Monotherapy
for Children with Benign Rolandic Epilepsy
- Author(s)
- Hoon-Chul Kang; Baik-Lin Eun; Chang Wu Lee; Han Ku Moon; Joon-Sik Kim; Dong Wook Kim; Joon Soo Lee; Kyu Young Chae; Byung Ho Cha; Eun Sook Suh; Jung Chae Park; Kyunghwa Lim; Eun Hye Ha; Dong Ho Song; Heung Dong Kim; Korean Pediatric Topiramate Study Group
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kim, Joon Sik
- Department
- Dept. of Pediatrics (소아청소년학)
- Journal Title
- Epilepsy
- Issued Date
- 2007
- Volume
- 48
- Issue
- 9
- Abstract
- Summary: Purpose: To evaluate the cognitive and behavioral
effects of topiramate (TPM) versus carbamazepine (CBZ) using
efficacious doses of each drug as monotherapy for children with
benign rolandic epilepsy.
Methods: A multicenter, randomized, open-label, observer-
blinded, parallel-group clinical trial was conducted. TPM was
introduced at a dose of 12.5 mg/day with the minimum target
dose of 50 mg/day in patients <30 kg and 75 mg/day in pa-
tients >30 kg over 4 weeks. CBZ was started at a dose of 10
mg/kg/day with the minimum target dose of 20 mg/kg/day over
4 weeks. Additional individual escalation was allowed up to a
maximum target dose. The primary study end point was change
on a neuropsychological test battery after 28 weeks of treatment.
Results: Neuropsychological data were available for 88 pa-
tients (45 patients for TPM and 43 patients for CBZ). Of the cog-
nitive variables measured, arithmetic showed significant worsen-
ing in TPM (p = 0.037). An additional test, for maze, also showed
a significantly greater improvement for CBZ (p = 0.026). Of be-
havioral variables, no significant changes were found but the
scores had a negative trend for the TPM. When 30 patients
on the minimum target dose for TPM were compared to 40
patients treated with minimum target CBZ, there was no sig-
nificant worsening of cognitive and behavioral effects in the
Conclusion: The pattern of neuropsychometric changes with
TPM seemed to be slightly worse overall than CBZ. How-
ever, outcome with the minimum target dose did not differ
significantly in comparisons between the treatment groups.
Key Words: Cognitive function—Behavioral problems—
Topiramate—Carbamazepine—Benign rolandic epilepsy.
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