The Efficacy of the Cystatin C Based Glomerular Filtration Rate in the Estimation of Safe Contrast Media Volume
- Author(s)
- Hyuck-Jun Yoon; Hyungseop Kim; Jae-Pil Lee; Sang-Woong Choi; Hyun-Ok Cho; Hong-Won Shin; Hyoung-Seob Park; Yun-Kyeong Cho; Chang-Wook Nam; Seung-Ho Hur; Yoon-Nyun Kim; Kwon-Bae Kim
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Yoon, Hyuck Jun; Kim, Hyung Seop; Park, Hyoung Seob; Cho, Yun Kyeong; Nam, Chang Wook; Hur, Seung Ho; Kim, Yoon Nyun; Kim, Kwon Bae
- Department
- Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학)
- Journal Title
- Korean Circulation Journal
- Issued Date
- 2013
- Volume
- 43
- Issue
- 9
- Keyword
- Contrast media; Cystatin C; Glomerular filtration rate; Acute kidney injury
- Abstract
- Background and Objectives: The risk of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is significantly influenced by baseline renal function and the amount of contrast media (CM). We evaluated the usefulness of the cystatin C (CyC) based estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFRCyC) in the prediction of CIN and to determine the safe CM dosage. Subjects and Methods: We prospectively enrolled a total of 723 patients who received percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and investigated the clinical factors associated with the development of CIN. Renal function was calculated as eGFRCyC and a modified diet in the renal disease (MDRD) equation, respectively. Systemic exposure of CM was calculated as CM volume to eGFR ratio. We conducted a regression analysis to evaluate the predictive role of CM volume to eGFRCyC for the risk of CIN.
Results: The incidence of CIN was 4.0% (29/723). The patients with CIN had a lower hemoglobin level, decreased renal function, and a higher CyC value, and had greater CM exposure. Through multivariate regression analyses, hemoglobin {odds ratio (OR) 0.743, p=0.032}, CM volume/eGFRCyC (OR 1.697, p=0.006) and CM volume/MDRD (OR 2.275, p<0.001) were found to be independent predictors for CIN. In the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, fair discrimination for CIN was found at a CM volume/eGFRCyC level of 4.493 (C-statics=0.814), and at this value, the sensitivity and specificity were 79.3% and 80.0%, respectively. Conclusion: Both the CM volume/MDRD and CM volume/eGFRCyC method would be simple, useful indicators for determining the safe CM-dose based on eGFR value before PCI. However, there was no significantly different predictive value between creatinine and CyC based GFR estimations.
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