사람 Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y 세포주에서 Opiate 내성에 의한 c-myc 유전자 표현
- Author(s)
- 김수경; 박창교; 권지윤; 서성일
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kim, Soo Kyung; Suh, Seong Il
- Department
- Dept. of Pharmacology (약리학)
Dept. of Microbiology (미생물학)
Institute for Medical Science (의과학연구소)
- Journal Title
- Korean J of Physiology & Pharmacology
- Issued Date
- 1997
- Volume
- 1
- Issue
- 6
- Keyword
- Human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells; c-myc; cAMP
- Abstract
- The mechanisms underlying opiate tolerance and dependence are not fully understood. We used human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells as a model system for studying effects of morphine tolerance and withdrawal on c-myc induction and cAMP levels. It has been reported that regulation of c-fos by acute and chronic morphine withdrawal is mediated through alterations in CREB transcription factor. In this study, we examined the effects of morphine tolerance on c-myc expression and cAMP concentrations. The activation of opiate receptors by an acute morphine administration resulted in an increase in c-myc mRNA and a decrease in cAMP concentrations in a dose-dependent manner (5,10,15,and20μM) . On the other hand, the chronic treatment of morphine (10μMforsixdays) did not induce the elevated expression of c-myc mRNA. The c-myc expression was slightly inhibited in comparison with that of the acute morphine response. However, cAMP concentrations were increased with regard to morphine withdrawal response. These results suggest that the alterations in c-myc expression might imply a significant opiate regulation relating to morphine tolerance. This observation differs from increased expression of c-fos via regulation of cAMP pathway.
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