모유수유 교육이 초산모의 모유수유 방법, 태도 및 지속정도에 미치는 효과
- Author(s)
- 안신영; 고효정
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Koh, Hyo Jung
- Department
- Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
- Journal Title
- 여성건강간호학회지
- Issued Date
- 1999
- Volume
- 5
- Issue
- 1
- Keyword
- Breast - feeding Education; Method; Attitude Duration
- Abstract
- The purpose of this
study is to investigate the effect of breast-feeding education on skills, attitude, and duration of breast-feeding among primipara mothers. The educational session was offered during the period of June through September at the T medical center in T city. One hundred thirteen primiparas were selected for this study, 61 who received breast-feeding education(lecture, demonstration, and additional telephone counselling) served as the experimental group and 52 who did not as the control. Data collection was done by self-reporting method. the reliability of the instrument was from .77 to .87. Duration of breast-feeding was classified into I through V according to the WHO classification at the time point of 4 weeks of postpartum. The results were as follows : 1. The score for the experimental group on the skills of breast-feeding techniques was significantly higher than those of the control(t=9.12, p=.000). 2. The score for the experimental group in the attitude toward breast-feeding was significantly higher than those of the control(t=6.12, p=.000). 3. Duration of breast-feeding for the experimental group was significantly longer than that of the control at the time of 4 weeks of postpartum(x2=20.79, p=.001). In conclusion, the breast-feeding practice can be promoted effectively through the breast-feeding education.
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