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중년기 여성의 위기감과 삶의 질 관계

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Keimyung Author(s)
Koh, Hyo JungKim, Hye Young
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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The sense of crisisQuality of lifeMiddle-aged women
The purpose of this research is to understand the levels of crisis and quality of life and the relationship between them. Data was collected from questionnaires completed by 384 middle-aged women between 40 and 59 years old. The sense of crisis was measured by a scale which was developed by Kim(1988) and modified by Oh(1999). The quality of life was measured by the scale which was developed by Noh(1988). The data was analyzed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program and included: descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and stepwise regression. The results of this study were as follows: 1) In the sense of crisis scale, 'experiencing emptiness and powerlessness through my friends is the highest item( 3.56±1.06 3.56±1.06 ). 'Meaninglessness in daily living' factor's score is 3.16±0.76 3.16±0.76 and another factor, 'concept of my life thus far' score is 2.89±0.74 2.89±0.74 . Then the former is higher than the latter. 2) In the quality of life, 'eat well now' is the highest item( 3.60±0.93 3.60±0.93 ). 'self-esteem' is the highest factor( 3.37±0.62 3.37±0.62 ) and 'emotional state' is the lowest factor( 2.89±0.31 2.89±0.31 ). 3) According to the correlation between factors of crisis and quality of life, there was a significant negative correlation between two factors of crisis and five factors of quality of life except emotional state. 4) According to linear regression, two factors of the sense of crisis showed the explanatory power of the quality of life with 31.6%. On the basis of above findings, the following is suggested; Crisis is not precipitated by special events and new accidents, but the normal emotional change phenomena process in the human life cycle. As a result, we should develop the nursing programs and education programs about crisis intervention for middle-aged women's health.
연구도구는 성생활 만족도를 측정하기 위하여 Derogatis와 Melisaratos(1979)의 성생활 만족 설문지 (Sexual Function Inventory)를 장순복(1989)이 번안한 도구를 사용하였고, 구자성(1996)의 성지식 측정도구, Hudson 등(1994)의 성태도 측정도구와 장순복(1989)의 성태도 측정도구, Thiriaway 등(1996)의 성행위 측정도구를 전문가의 자문을 받아 수정·보완하여 사용하였다.
Alternative Title
Relationship between the Sense of Crisis and Quality of Life of Middle-aged Women
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
고효정 et al. (2000). 중년기 여성의 위기감과 삶의 질 관계. 여성건강간호학회지, 6(4), 619–631.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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