간호사의 모유수유 증진을 위한 지식과 간호 활동정도
- Author(s)
- 정문숙; 김미예; 고효정; 신영희; 정귀애; 이인혜; 김신정; 송인숙; 이수연
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Koh, Hyo Jung; Shin, Yeong Hee
- Department
- Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
- Journal Title
- 모자간호학회지
- Issued Date
- 1993
- Volume
- 3
- Issue
- 2
- Abstract
- This study examined nurses' knowledge about breastfeeding (biological signifiance) and their nursing activities for promoting breastfeeding overall deficiency of knowledge about breastfeeding (an average score 12.8 out of 20) and accordingly many nurses did not promote actively merits (preparation, technique, & frequency). We developed new instruments for the measurements of nurses' knowledge (20 items) and activities (30 items). The self-reports of 203 nurses showed of breastfeeding(average score : 65.5 out of 120). Nurses' Knowledge about breastfeeding was significantly related to age, rank of position, and number of nurse' own children promotion of breastfeeding activities by nurses was related to the size of services nurses working in a small or middle sized hospital promoted more breastfeeding activities than a large hospital other factors, such as number of children, also influneced nursing activities for breastfeeding eighty seven percent of the nurses reported that they did not have any in-service education for the breastfeeding. They ascribed reasons for not actively promoting breastfeeding program to the overload of their services and inadequacy of administrative systems.
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