남자 정신분열병 환자의 신경학적 검사 소견
- Author(s)
- 류동근; 박영남; 김정범
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Park, Young Nam; Kim, Jung Bum
- Department
- Dept. of Psychiatry (정신건강의학)
- Journal Title
- 신경정신의학
- Issued Date
- 1993
- Volume
- 32
- Issue
- 5
- Keyword
- Neurologic examination; Schizophrenia; Mood; disorder
- Abstract
- In order to evaluate the
prevalence of abnormal neurologic signs, an extensive neurologic examination was done in 41 schizophrenic patients 28 mood disorder patients, and 28 normal controls. The patient groups were diagnosed by DSM-Ⅲ-R, and the neurologic examinations included 79 items of Woods' standard neurologic examination and 45 items of Merriams's neurological sign inventory. In the Woods' standard neurologic examination, the abnormal findings were found in 73.2% of schizophrenic patients, 51.5% of mood disorder patients and 1.4% of normal controls. The schizophrenia group had significantly higher total scores than both the mood disorder and normal control group ; and both the schizophrenic and mood disorder patients had higher total scores than normal controls. In the Merriam's neurologic sign inventory, the schizophrenic patients had significantly more impared performance than both mood disorder patients and normal controls. There were significant correlations between abnormal neurological sign and duration of the illness, number of previous hospitalization, duration of index hospitalization, and dosage of chlorpromazine in schizophrenic patients.
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