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선형가속기 ML-15MDX의 각 Applicator에 대한 전자선 출력선량 계수 결정

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Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Ok BaeChoi, Tae Jin
Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학)
Dept. of Medical Biophysics Engineering (의공학과)
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Electron Output Factor1D Method
Purpose : The determination of electron beam output factor was investigated from individual applicator for various energy of ML-15MDX linear accelerator. The output factor of electron beam was extended from square to rectangular field in individual applicator size through with a least-square fit to a polynomial expression. Materials : In this experiments. the measurement of output was obtained from 2 × × cm 2 2 to 20 × × 20cm 2 2 of field size in different applicator size for 4 to 15 MaV electron beam energy. The output factor was defined as the ratio of maximum dose output on the central axis of the field of individual applicator size to that of a given field size. Applicator factors were derived from comparing with the output dose of reference field size 10 × × 10cm 2 2 . The thickness of block was specially designed as 10mm in thickness of Lipowitz metal for field shaping in all electron energy. Two types of output curves are included as output factors versus side of square fields and that of variable side length for X and Y in one-dimensional to compare the expected values to that of experiments. Results : Expected output factors of rectangular which was derived from that of square fields in individual applicator size from 2 × × 2cm 2 2 to 20 × × 20cm 2 2 in different electron energy was very closed to that of experimental measurements within 2% uncertainty. However 1D method showed a 3% discrepancy in small rectangular field for low energy electron beam. Conclusion : Emperical non-linear polynomial regressions of square root and 1D method were performed to determin the output factor in various field size and electron energy. The expected output of electron beam of square root method for square field and 1D method for rectangular field were very closed to that of measurement in all selected electron beam energy.
Alternative Title
Determination of Electron Beam Output Factors of Individual Applicator for ML-15MDX Linear Accelerator
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
최태진 and 김옥배. (1994). 선형가속기 ML-15MDX의 각 Applicator에 대한 전자선 출력선량 계수 결정. 의학물리, 5(1), 87–99.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Biophysics Engineering (의공학과)
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학)
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  • 공개 구분공개
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