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NdwCo-60이 정의되지 않은 원통형 이온전리함을 이용한 고에너지 광자선의 임상적 출력선량 결정

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Keimyung Author(s)
Oh, Young KeeChoi, Tae Jin
Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학)
Dept. of Medical Biophysics Engineering (의공학과)
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Exposure calculation factor NxAir kerma NkAbsorbed dose calculation factor Ndw
For the determination of absorbed dose to water from a linear accelerator photon beams, it needs a exposure calibration factor Nx or air kerma calibration factor Nk of air ionization chamber. We used the exposure calibration factor Nx to find the absorbed dose calibration factors of water in a reference source through the TG-21 and TRS-277 protocol. TG-21 used for determine the absorbed dose in accuracy, but it required complex calculations including the chamber dependent factors. The authors obtained the absorbed dose calibration factor NdwCo-60 for reduce the complex calculations with unknown Ndw only with Nx or Nk calibration factor in a TM31010 (S/N 1055, 1057) ionization chambers. The results showed the uncertainty of calculated Ndw of IC-15 which was known the Nx and Ndw is within -0.6% in TG-21, but 1.0% in TRS-277. and TM31010 was compared the Ndw of SSDL to that of PSDL as shown the 0.4%, -2.8% uncertainty, respectively. The authors experimented with good agreement the calculated Ndw is reliable for cross check the discrepancy of the calibration factor with unknown that of TM31010 and IC-15 chamber.
Alternative Title
For the determination of absorbed dose to water from a linear accelerator photon beams, it needs a exposure calibration factor Nx or air kerma calibration factor Nk of air ionization chamber. We used the exposure calibration factor Nx to find the absorbed dose calibration factors of water in a reference source through the TG-21 and TRS-277 protocol. TG-21 used for determine the absorbed dose in accuracy, but it required complex calculations including the chamber dependent factors. The authors obtained the absorbed dose calibration factor NdwCo-60 for reduce the complex calculations with unknown Ndw only with Nx or Nk calibration factor in a TM31010 (S/N 1055, 1057) ionization chambers. The results showed the uncertainty of calculated Ndw of IC-15 which was known the Nx and Ndw is within -0.6% in TG-21, but 1.0% in TRS-277. and TM31010 was compared the Ndw of SSDL to that of PSDL as shown the 0.4%, -2.8% uncertainty, respectively. The authors experimented with good agreement the calculated Ndw is reliable for cross check the discrepancy of the calibration factor with unknown that of TM31010 and IC-15 chamber.
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
오영기 et al. (2012). NdwCo-60이 정의되지 않은 원통형 이온전리함을 이용한 고에너지 광자선의 임상적 출력선량 결정. 의학물리, 23(2), 114–122.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Biophysics Engineering (의공학과)
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학)
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