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이중진단대상자와 간호사의 언어적 의사소통유형에 대한 상호교류분석

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Keimyung Author(s)
Lee, Kyung Hee
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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Dual diagnosis Verbal communication patterntransactional analysis
This study was attempted to explore structures and characteristics of verbal communication in nurse-patient interactions. Berne's Transactional Analysis theory was used to analyse the verbal processes. The subjects selected for this study were two patients able to communicate with the nurse, Two of them were alcoholics with antisocial personality(DSM-IV). The other one was an alcoholic with depression and another one had dual diagnosis with depression. The data were collected from June 18 to July 23, 2004. The results were as follows from the result of hypothesis testing. 1) When the nurse communicate with patient, the hypothesis I that the nurse tended to use adult ego state more than the parent ego state or child ego state was accepted(X2=1.49, P<.01). 2) When the nurse communicate with patient, the hypothesis II that the patient tended to use the child ego state more than the parent ego state or adult ego state was accepted(X2=0.523, P<.01). 3) The hypothesis III that the nurse communicate with the patient who had dual diagnosis with depression tended to use nurturing parent ego state higher than with the alcoholics with antisocial personality disorder was accepted(Z=3.576, P<.05). 4) The hypothesis IV that the nurse communicate with the alcoholics with antisocial personality disorder tended to use critical parent ego state higher than with the patient who had dual diagnosis with depression was accepted(Z=7.7, P<.05). From the above result, the suggestions would be presented. 1. The research which is based on TA theory would applied to the transactions with not only patients but also their relatives, colleagues and other health care colleagues. 2. The research should be replicated, so TA theories and ways of doing psychiatric nursing care could be constantly expanded and examined. 3. A transactional model of nurse-patient interaction should be proposed and tested repeatedly.
Alternative Title
Transactional Analysis of Verbal Communication Patterns between Nurse and Patients with Dual Diagnosis
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
이경희. (2007). 이중진단대상자와 간호사의 언어적 의사소통유형에 대한 상호교류분석. 정신간호학회지, 16(2), 205–212.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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