저소득층 낙상위험 노인을 대상으로 한 낙상예방 프로그램의 효과
- Author(s)
- 현일선; 박명화; 박경민; 김정남
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Park, Myong Hwa; Park, Kyung Min; Kim, Chong Nam
- Department
- Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
- Journal Title
- 지역사회간호학회지
- Issued Date
- 2010
- Volume
- 21
- Issue
- 2
- Keyword
- Elderly; Accidental falls; Knowledge; Self efficacy; Prevention
- Abstract
- Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the effects of a fall prevention program on knowledge, efficacy, and prevention behavior of falls among the low-income elderly. Methods: This study used a nonequivalent control group pre and post test quasi-experimental research design. The study was conducted from August to October, 2008 with 20 subjects in the experimental group and 22 in the control group who were registered at the public health center of S District in D City. Results: Hypothesis 1 "The experimental group that participated in the fall prevention program will show a higher degree of knowledge about falls than the control group" was supported. Hypothesis 2 "The experimental group will have a higher degree of self-efficacy of falls than the control group" was not supported. Hypothesis 3 "The experimental group will report fall prevention behavior more frequently than the control group" was supported. Conclusion: It was verified that the fall prevention program in this study was an effective intervention to improve knowledge about falls and fall prevention behaviors among the low-income elderly. The results can be used as part of an intervention to prevent falls for the vulnerable elderly such as the low-income elderly.
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