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일부 농촌주민에서 의사에 대한 환자의 의견불일치

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Keimyung Author(s)
Shin, Dong Hoon
Dept. of Preventive Medicine (예방의학)
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Patient's disagreementDisagreement actionRelationship between patient's disagreement and disagreement action
Recently, dissatisfaction with aspects of health care has been complemented by directly at complaints such as informal, formal and litigation. But some people take action and other not in spite of feeling of dissatisfaction. This study was to investigate an accounts of patient's disagreement with doctor's care from a community sample, and make a distinction between felt disagreement and disagreement actions. This study was done in six hundred forty residents in Sungjoo County of Kyungbuk Province and Nonman city of Chungnam Province. The questionnaires of interview included sociodemographic data, health status data, a nature of patient's disagreement with doctor and actions taken following or during the disagreement episode. Approximately sixteen percent of sample reported a disagreement, and nine percent reported action taken following or during the disagreement episode. Age, educational attainment, income and area were significantly related with experience of disagreement episode in univariate analysis. In people who experienced the disagreement episode, nearly forty-one percent reported on disagreement about the diagnosis related, twenty-eight percent reported doctor-patients relationship related, twenty percent reported treatment related, and eleven percent reported prescription drug related. In people who experienced actions taken following or during the disagreement episode, nearly fifty-four percent acted as 'sought a second opinion or visit other doctor', thirty-six percent acted as 'verbally challenged the doctor', thirty-two percent acted as 'stopped prescribed treatment or medication', twenty-nine percent acted as 'made repeat visits to the same doctor', twenty-five percent acted as 'eventually left and changed doctor'. Results of multivariate analysis, age, marital status, have or haven't chronic disease, and general satisfaction with health service were significantly related with experience of disagreement episode and marital status was significantly related with experience of actions taken following or during the disagreement episode. This study is experimental and exploratory trial about a relationship between patient's disagreement with doctor and actions taken following or during the disagreement episode in some community of Korea. We find that patient's disagreement with doctor and actions taken following or during the disagreement episode is latent in our community. We suggest that the relationship between felt disagreement and disagreement action is more complicated and worthy of further study.
이 연구는 경상북도 성주군 성주읍 및 충청남도 논산시 양촌면에 거주하는 주민 640명을 대상으로 대상자의 일반적 특성, 건강 관련문항, 의견불일치와 관련된 문항 등으로 구성된 면담지를 이용한 직접 면담조사로 이루어졌다. 의견불일치의 조작적 정의는 의사의 진료에서 진단, 처방, 치료 등의 전반적인 진료과정에서 동의할 수 없는 의견을 경험하거나 느낀 적이 있는 경우로 하였다. 조사대상자의 162%가 의견불일치의 경험을 보고하였으며, 의견불일치후 행동을 취한 사람은 8.7%였다. 조사대상자의 일반적 특성과 의견불일치의 경험에서는 단일분석결과 연령, 교육수준, 소득수준, 및 지역이 유의한 차이를 보였다. 의견불일치는 진단관련이 40.6%로 가장 많았으며, 의사와 환자간의 관계에서 28.2%로 두 번째로 많았고, 치료 또는 처치관련, 19.9%, 약 처방 관련이 11.3%였다. 의견불일치 후 취하여진 행동은 '다른 의견을 구하거나 진단처방을 위해 다른 의사를 찾아갔다'가 53.6%로 가장 많았으며 '의사에게 직접 말로써 항의하거나 다른 것을 요구하였다' 35.7%, '치료나 약 복용을 중지하였다' 18%, '같은 의사에게 다시 찾아갔다' 16%, '병 의원 방문을 끊었다.' 25.0% 순이었다. 의견불일치 유형에 따른 의견불일치 후 취해진 행동을 분석해보면 먼저 비행동자는 치료와 관련한 의견불일치에서 44.4%로 가장 많았으며, 진단관련 41.7%, 환자-의사관계 40.5%, 약처방관련 31.6%순이었다. 의사에 대한 환자의 의견불일치 경험 유무를 종속변수로 한 조사대상자의 일반적 특성을 투입한 로지스틱 회귀분석에서는 연령, 결혼상태, 만성질환유무, 보건의료에 대한 일반적인 만족도가 기여변수 선택되었으며, 의견불일치 후 취한 행동유무를 종속변수로 두었을 때는 결혼상태가 선택되었다. 이 조사연구는 실험적이고 탐색적인 연구로 의사와 환자간의 관계를 환자의 의사에 대한 의견불일치와 취해진 행동에 사이를 관계와 그 수준을 평가함으로써 잠재적인 불만족의 수준이 높음을 확인하였으며, 그로 인한 행동사이의 관계도 의미있는 결과를 시사하는 바, 우리 나라의 의료분야에서 관심을 가져야하는 또 다른 과제임을 확인하였다.
Alternative Title
The Nature of Patient's Disagreements with Doctors among Some Rural Residents
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
이무식 et al. (1999). 일부 농촌주민에서 의사에 대한 환자의 의견불일치. 한국농촌의학회지, 24(2), 315–329.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Preventive Medicine (예방의학)
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