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고등학생들의 약물남용에 대한 지식 및 태도

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Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Chong Nam
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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knowledge on drug abuseattitude on drug abuse
The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze 12th grade students' knowledge and attitude on the abuse of drugs, to provide some basic data of the health education for them to obtain proper knowledge and attitude against drugs, and eventually to contribute to the improvement of their health.
Questionnaires were given to 735 students from ordinary high schools and 482 students from 10 vocational high schools in 23 areas of Kyoungbuk province, all of whom were selected randomly, between March 5th and 20th, 1999.
The data were analyzed by means of frequency, percentage, Hest, ANOVA and Turkey test as the result of PC-SAS program.
The major findings of this study are as follows:
1. Only 51.3% of the surveyed students received some prevention education of drug abuse. They rarely got it in their elementary school days. 54.3% of the educated students learned from their school health nurses. Most of the classes made use of audio-visual materials.
Most of the students realized the importance of the drug prevention education. According to the result of the survey, the materials that they took included alcohol 42.1%, smoking 23.3%, stimulants 6.7%, sleeping drug 3.5%, inhalants 1.6%, sedatives 1.5%, narcotics 0.9%, and hallucinogen 0.5%. The first motive of using drugs was curiosity 18.1%, environmental factor 13.0%, and so on.
2. There was a significant difference between ordinary students(27.30 out of 47) and vocational students(21.84) in the average score of their knowledge on drug abuse(p=0.000l), and between girls(26.08) and boys(24.29;P=0.0172).
3. There was a little difference between ordinary students(l6.94 out of 42) and vocational students(16.23) in the average score of their attitude on drug abuse(p=0.0230), and between girls(l5.42) and boys(l7.76;p=0.000l).
4. The average score of knowledge on drugs was higher in proportion to the students' school record(p=0.000l), the level of satisfaction in their school activities(p=0.0093), and their recognition of any respectable teacher(p=0.0001). The students who experienced the prevention education had more specific knowledge on drug abuse(p=0.0001). The more they realized the importance of the education, the more knowledge they obtained(p=0.0001).
5. The average score of attitude was related to their association with any juvenile delinquent (p=0.0010) and their pageants' habitual drug abuse(p=0.0001).The attitude score and the chance of drug abuse were higher in proportion to their home environment(p=0.000l), the stem way parents bring up their chi1dren(p=0.0412), their complaint at home(p=0.0001), and their negligence of the prevention education(p=0.0001).
Alternative Title
High School Students' Knowledge and Attitude on Drug Abuse
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
양태경 and 김정남. (1999). 고등학생들의 약물남용에 대한 지식 및 태도. 한국모자보건학회지, 3(2), 219–232.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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