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초등학생과 학부모의 성태도와 성교육 요구

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Keimyung Author(s)
Koh, Hyo Jung
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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sexual attitudesneed in sex education
This study is the descriptive research to present the fundamental data so that the teachers teach the sexual education effectively and generally after figuring out what the students and their parents would like to know about The Sexual Attitudes and The Need for Sex Education.
The subjects of this investigation are made up of the 6th grade male and female 560 students - who are attending three schools - and their 407 parents in K city, Korea. Data have been collected from 10th of February to 20th of February in 1999.
The SPSS/PC program used to analyse the data along with Frequency, Percentage, x²-test, t-test. The results of this study were as follows;
1. About 40.5% of female students began to have their menstruations as a sexual experience while about 10.6% of male students had wet dreams.
2. The mean values of the sexual attitudes; primary school students got about 2.61 points, while their parents who got about 2.81 points were more affirmative. As a result, there were significant differences between the students and their parents(t=-4,69, p=.000). Primary school students would like to be taught these items such as 'the preventive step of a sexual violence' (32.1%), 'child birth' (27.9%), 'social intercourse between male and female' (23.6%) and their parents expected their children would be taught these items such as 'the preventive step of a sexual violence' (33,9010), 'social intercourse between male and female' (33.7%), 'menstruation (31.4%), and 'child birth' (30.7%).
In conclusion, the male students were more affirmative than the females and Fathers were more affirmative than Mothers. In comparison with the children, their parents were more positive in many aspects.
According to this research, the students at primary school would like to be taught these items such as 'the preventive step of a sexual violence' , 'child birth' , and 'social intercourse between both sexes' in turn as the contents of sex education. The parents hoped their children would be taught these items such as 'the preventive step of a sexual violence' , 'social intercourse between male and female' , 'menstruation' ,and 'child birth' in turn.
Therefore, these items above should be reflected in many ways when the students and their parents are scheduled to be taught Sex Education
Alternative Title
A study on the Sexual Attitudes and the Need for Sex Education in Primary School Students and Their Parents
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
김정욱 and 고효정. (1999). 초등학생과 학부모의 성태도와 성교육 요구. 한국모자보건학회지, 3(2), 197–208.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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