산모의 신생아 간호에 관한 교육요구도 조사
- Author(s)
- 심규숙; 고효정; 임경희
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Koh, Hyo Jung; Lim, Kyung Hee
- Department
- Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
- Journal Title
- 한국모자보건학회지
- Issued Date
- 2002
- Volume
- 6
- Issue
- 2
- Keyword
- infant mother; nursing educational needs
- Abstract
- Objectives : This study was designed to compare the mothers' nursing educational needs at the time of discharge from those of 1 month later discharge to provide the basic data for the development of infant care educational programs. Methods : The subjects were consisted of 71 infant mothers who could be followed 1 month later. They were selected from a general hospital and an obstetric hospital in Daegu City. The tool used in this study was educational need scale developed by Seon-jeong Choe and it was modified by the researchers. The data were collected from February 7 to April 10, 2001. The first survey was done face to face interview at the time of discharge and the second one was done by mail. The data were analysed by descriptive statistics, mean, std deviation, paired t-test with SPSS 10.0. Results : The results of this study were as the followings; 1. The educational needs of mothers were higher at the time of discharge(3.19) than 1 month later(2.90) (t=5.808, p=O.OOO). 2. In each category and item, we could see the differences as following; infant care (t=7.014, p=O.OOO), feeding (t=3.106, p=0.003), disorder management (t=3.124, p=0.OO3), attachment between parents and infant(t=2.656, p=O.Ol0), environment(t=3.961, p=O.OOO). As the above data show, the nursing educational needs were higher at discharge than 1 month later after discharge. However, in the unusual behavior category, the educational needs were high both at the time of discharge and 1 month later. The category showing the highest educational needs was unusual behavior part and the lowest was environment. 3. In the 18 questions among 37, some differences were observed. The questions which the mothers at the time they were discharged show the higher educational needs. 4. The questions showing the higher nursing educational needs were listed as the following (in order of high nursing educational needs) ; "What can we do when infant has a breathing disorder", "What can we do when infant has a seizure", "What is the signal whin infant doesn't want to eat any more", "What can we do when infant vomits continually", "What can we do when infant doesn't defecate and the belly is going bigger and bigger". To the mothers 1 month later, the questions showing the higher educational needs were almost same as those of the mothers at the time of discharge. Conclusions : The nursing educational needs of the mothers at the time of discharge were higher than those of the mothers 1 month later. This means that the infant care programs at the time of discharge is very important. And there are some differences in the educational needs between the 2 types of time, but the disorder management and unusual behavior categories are showing high educational needs at the both time. So we need to let the mothers know about after 1 month educational programs when they take some programs at the time of discharge. This study might give some real data for the development of the infant care programs.
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