자궁적출술을 받은 중년기 여성의 성생활 만족과 배우자 지지에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 고효정; 김혜영
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Koh, Hyo Jung; Kim, Hye Young
- Department
- Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
- Journal Title
- 한국모자보건학회지
- Issued Date
- 2004
- Volume
- 8
- Issue
- 1
- Keyword
- sexual satisfaction; spouse support; hysterectomy
- Abstract
- Objectives : This study was investigated the sexual satisfaction and spouse support in middle-aged women with hysterectomy. The purpose of this study was to provide a basis for nursing intervention and post operation education for women with hysterectomy and their husbands. Methods : Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI) which was modified by Chang (1989) was used in measuring the Sexual satisfaction. And Spouse support was measured by using the questionnaire instrument which was made by Chang(989). The subject was composed of 76 couples between 2 to 18 months after hysterctomy due to a benign gyneocology disease at University hospital in Daegu. For data analysis, the study was executed descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and stepwised multiple regression using SPSS WIN 10.0. Results : The results were obtained as follows. First of all, according to couple's sexual satisfaction, 'I am satisfied with the sexual relation with my spouse (3.70±0.84)', 'It is enough times of sex coitus for me(3.66±0.83)'; These items were highest in Women. And 'I am interested in sex (3.28±0.84)', 'I have various sexual experiences with my spouse (3.04±1.04)'; These items were lowest in women. But otherwise, in men, these two items were highest than any other items(4.13±0.66, 4.16±0.91). Second, according to spouse support, 'I talk with my husband thoroughly about domestic problems(4.13±O.75)', 'My husband has a lot of inside knowlege about my relatives and my friends (3.91±0.85)'; these items had highest scores. Third, According to correlation women's sexual satisfaction and spouse support, it was a significant positive correlation (R=O.426, p=0.000l). Fourth, according to multiple regression for spouse support, 'Starting time for sexual coitus after hysterectomy(F=15.403, p=0.000l)', 'sexual satisfaction of women(F=12.838, p=0.000l)': These two items were significant, and showed the explanatory power of the spouse support with 26.8%. Conclusions : On the basis of above findings, the following is suggested; Women and their husbands had different trends in sexual satisfaction, so it should be investigated sexual life patterns and emotional changes in husbands whose wives have operate d hysterectomy. It will contribute to providing a basic data for post operational education of subjects with hysterectomy.
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