예방접종비 보건소 지불방식도입을 위한 대구광역시 시범사업에서의 BCG,DTaP,IPV 예방접종률 및 보건소 예방접종 분담률
- Author(s)
- 이중정; 양진훈; 황인섭; 천병렬; 감신; 이경수; 황태윤; 박정한; 박순우; 이석구; 안문영; 이덕형; 김영택; 고운영; 김윤정
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Lee, Jung Jeung
- Department
- Dept. of Preventive Medicine (예방의학)
- Journal Title
- 한국모자보건학회지
- Issued Date
- 2007
- Volume
- 11
- Issue
- 1
- Keyword
- vaccination; polio; BCG; DTaP; IPV
- Abstract
- Objectives: This study was performed to provide the data required to make the decision for the "Demonstration Project for Expansion of National Immunization Program Coverage" by analyzing the BCG, DTaP and IPV vaccination rate and the proportion portion of vaccination in the public health centers.
Methods: "Demonstration Project for Expansion of National Immunization Program Coverage" was performed from July 1, 2005, to December 31, 2005. And the public health centers paid vaccination fees to the private clinic and hospital in the project. We analyzed the vaccination rates of BCG, DTaP and IPV. For the denominators of the vaccination rates, the reports of a birth in the month of June and July, 2005, except July, 2005 for the BCG, in Daegu metropolitan city were collected. And for the numerators, from July 1, 2005, to December 31, 2005, we collected the data registered in the vaccination registration system at Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention and for not registered, we collected the vaccination data by telephone and visit. And the proportion of the vaccination in the public health centers was analyzed.
Results: Among 2,975 total study subjects, babies born in June was 1,501, and July was 1,474. The BCG vaccination rate was 99.8%, and the computerized registration rate was 48.3%. The proportion of BCG vaccination in the public health centers was 3.5%. The vaccination rate of the first and the second DTaP was 99.8% and 98.5%, respectively, and the computerized registration rate was 94.8% and 89.5%, respectively. The proportion of the first and the second DTaP vaccination in the public health centers was 6.7% and 4.4%, respectively. The first and the second IPV vaccination rate was 99.7% and 98.5%, respectively, and the computerized registration was 93.1% and 89.8%. The proportion of the first and the second IPV vaccination in the public health centers was 6.0% and 3.9%, respectively.
Conclusions: From the aspect of the vaccination rate, the computerized registration and the proportion of vaccination, except some vaccinations, the almost perfect vaccination rate, computerized registration rate and low proportion of vaccination in the public health centers were detected, which could be considered to be a great achievement of this project, and in the cases that the project were continued, it is anticipated that the covered expansion on individuals who could not afford vaccination could be achieved by the method of public health centers carrying out the project.
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