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영적간호교육이 간호학생들의 죽음에 대한 태도변화에 미치는 영향

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Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Chong NamPark, Kyung Min
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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In order to care the persons who are dying a nurse should first solve her / his own conflicts about death. and be aware of their own concepts of death and dying. In order to find out patient's spiritual needs and to give better spiritual nursing care. a nurse should know her / his own spiritual needs and be aware of their own concepts of spiritual nursing problems. To improve nurse's understanding towards death and dying and nurse's knowledge towards spiritual needs and spiritual nursing care. 14 weeks(two hours a week) spiritual nursing care education was given to 3th grade baccalaureate nursing college student. Before and after spiritual nursing care education. 30 items of prepared questionare focused on the attitudes toward death and dying was asked. Pre and post results are as follow ; 1. The dying patient's emotional and physical needs. There was no significant difference between pre and post educated groups. Both of the situations. they agreed upon(69.64% that the dying patients have high emotional and physical needs to solve. 2. Telling the truth of dying process. There was no significant difference between pre educated group(53.33% and post educated group(55.95%. 3. Attitudes of medical personnels. There was no significant difference between pre(51.49% and post educated groups (53.87%. These responses indicate that nursing college student didn't have enough experiences on dying patients care. 4. General attitudes on death and dying. Number of nursing students who were thinking positively toward death and dying were Increased (pre 39.68. post 45.44) and who were thinking negatively toward death and dying were also decreased (pre 37.30. post 33.93). 5. Attitudes toward mechanical assistance for life-expanding of helpless patient. There was a significant difference between pre and post educated groups. About 34.13 of them approved upon mechanical assistance for life and about 33.14 of them disapproved. 6. Attitudes of family members of dying patient. There was no significant difference between pre and post educated groups. About 45.24 of both groups, agreed upon that the family members feel annoyed with dying patients and about 22.42 of both groups disagreed. Whether they received the spiritual nursing education or not, they were aware of that the family members feel annoyed with dying patients. 7. Special facility and educational preparation for dying patient. There was a significant difference between pre(82.14% and post(90.87% educated groups. These responses indicated that after they received the education, they felt more about the necessity of special facility and educational preparation for the death and dying patients. 8. Special facility and welfare system for the old. There was a significant difference between pre(58.33% and post70.64 educated groups. There responses indicated that after they received the education, they felt more about the necessity of special facility and welfare systems for the old.
Alternative Title
The Influences of Spiritual Care Nursing Education Towards Death and Dying
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
김정남 and 박경민. (1999). 영적간호교육이 간호학생들의 죽음에 대한 태도변화에 미치는 영향. 한국보건간호학회지, 13(1), 114–127.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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